2012 Fellows Event: Casa Pacific

Gavin Herbert, owner of Casa Pacific and Rogers Gardens greeted the Fellows on the poolside terrace of his magnificent estate, formerly known as the “Western White House” during the Nixon Administration on April 18, 2012. Casa Pacific is located in San Clemente, California, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The large, Spanish-style, California Mission Revival mansion was modeled after a country home in San Sebastian, Spain and was designed by architect Carl Lindbom. Mr. Herbert shared many fascinating memories of his life and experiences associated with the property in the Presidential years. His interest in gardening began as a child, when his family ran a nursery in the San Fernando Valley. In 1970 he bought the already well-known Roger’s Gardens, and in 1975 moved the business to its current location in Corona del Mar. The Fellows were invited to take photographs and enjoy the vast grounds, which included a magnificent ocean side cypress forest, formal flower and vegetable gardens, glorious rose gardens, an intimate fountain courtyard outside the entrance to the main house, as well as the Pool/Guest House and Great Lawn.

Then the Fellows went onto Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar. Here we enjoyed a formal lunch in the café and visited many of the specialty gardens and gift shop, before moving onto Rogers Gardens in Newport for shopping and inspiration.

  1. Elena Northroup
    | Reply

    Good afternoon:

    Two of my biggest passions are History and Photography.
    Thank you for sharing photos of Casa Pacifica on your website!
    This place is very interesting to me especially because of Leonind Brezhnev’s visit.

    I hope this place will be available to public at least for a short period of time.

    Warmest regards,


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