A Big Thank You to VRG’s Outstanding Education Committee

We are so grateful to our remarkable Education Committee. Co-chairs Adrienne Horwitch, Patty Elias and Cindy Fields organized amazing events at the Virginia Robinson Gardens from 2018-2020. The fascinating lectures, dazzling tables, and delicious luncheons made for a memorable experience.  The events were almost always sold out!  The beautiful garden setting and lectures in the romantic Sumner Hunt-designed Pool Pavilion only enhanced the fabulous experience.

Left to right: Patti Elias, Cindy Fields, Adrienne Horwitch

With the help of our extremely talented resident design assistant, Andrey Yun, the themed floral centerpieces on the luncheon tables were always spectacular. Caterer Joe Monteferante** prepared exquisite meals inspired by the topic of the event, or the fall, winter and spring seasons. Starting in October 2018, these superlative lectures were by:

  • Author Michele Gerber Klein on the fashion designer Charles James based on her book: Charles James: Portrait of an Unreasonable Man: Fame, Fashion, Art
  •  Lord Charles Spencer based on his book: To Catch a King: Charles II’s Great Escape
    (This special event took place at the California Club.)
  •  Landscape Architect CeCe Haydock — “Beyond Gatsby: Fabled Gardens of Long Island’s Gold Coast”
  •  Author and designer Hutton Wilkinson based on his book: Tony Duquette’s Dawnridge
  •  Jewelry Designer Daria de Koning — “Jewelry and the Value of Beauty”
  •  Interior Designer Brooke and architect Steve Giannetti based on their book: Patina Farm
  •  Archaeologist Mark Lehner — “Lost City of the Pyramids”
  •  Interior designer Madeline Stuart based on her book: No Place Like Home: Interiors by Madeline Stuart
  •  Floral designer Brad Austin — a hands-on class for holiday floral design
  •  Author Dr. Toni Bowers — “Charlie Chaplin, from London to Beverly Hills”
  •  Postponed – Anna Wyckoff, Editor in Chief, Costume Design Magazine — “The Alchemy of Costume Design and Fashion”


We look forward to starting these wonderful events as soon as we are able. In the meantime, if you missed any of the lectures or would like to relive them, please feel free to read the articles on our website here, or by clicking NEWSLETTER on the top tool bar, then scrolling down to “Education Events” under the ARCHIVE.

Thank you again to our terrific Education Committee, and we welcome Clare Wagner who is our wonderful new Education chair.

**Joe Monteferante is available for weekly home food delivery.  Please contact Joe by email at [email protected] or to speak with Joe, please call (310) 740-0194.

Post by Linda Meadows
Friends of Robinson Gardens Board Member
Editor of the VRG eNewsletter, the Happenings

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