A Story Virginia Robinson Would Have Liked…

Justus Ross

As Friends of Robinson Gardens, we are fortunate to encounter many wonderful “artists” with impressive talents such as established horticulturists, florists, designers, historians, architects and more, who come to share their knowledge with us and our guests. We get to hear their stories, and some stories make us feel very humbled.

This is a story of one young man who came to work for the County at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. We had a botanical art workshop one day, and Justus Ross came in to help set up. We discovered that he had an art degree, so we started asking questions, and he helped us with the complicated foreshortening aspects of painting flowers. Our curiosity as to why he was working at the Gardens opened our eyes and ears to quite a story of how remarkable this young man was.

Justus and his younger brother were raised by a single mother who worked hard to get them through life. She was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer in Justus’ sophomore year. She battled this disease for three years, and she had recently died.  Justus was the only one left to take care of his brother; to get him through high school and into college… he needed a job. He had to go to court to get guardianship of his brother, which was not easy as he had just graduated from college. Luckily, the judge decided to grant custody so they could stay together; and now, several years later, the brother is doing well in college and is studying to become a veterinarian.

We knew that Justus’ stay at the Gardens was not going to be permanent. He had a dream to be in the artworld, so we were very happy for him when he was accepted into the Apprenticeship/Internship Program at the Broad Museum. He followed his dream, and he is now on his way….

We learned that the Annenberg Foundation has a World Cup Poster 2026 Contest in cooperation with the Los Angeles World Cup 2026 to design the FIFA World Cup 26 host city poster.

We suggested to Justus to participate in the contest, and he has entered this poster in the competition.

His many “mothers” at Robinson Gardens wish our young LA artist good luck!

And he hasn’t exactly “quit us” yet – he returns every year to help with our signature Garden Tour in May, as well as special events when he can find the time.

Post by Kerstin Royce and Maralee Beck
Friends of Robinson Gardens Board Members

3 Responses

  1. Janice Berger Landau
    | Reply

    Wonderful story! Justus was fortunate to be given the encouragement provided by members of the Robinson Gardens!

  2. Anita French
    | Reply

    Here’s to a wonderful future for Justus and his brother. I know his mom would be so proud of them! By the way, Justus isn’t an in-quotation-marks artist, but an actual Artist. Thanks for posting this tribute to a great man, and thanks for the great work at Robinson Gardens!

  3. Patti Reinstein
    | Reply

    We all at VRG who worked with Justus greatly admire his work ethic, his talent, his integrity and strength of character. What a fine young man!

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