Message from President Lynn Whitaker

For me, Labor Day is the official end of summer. While many schools start prior to this weekend, when I was in school, we started the school year the week after Labor Day.  It was bittersweet – seeing all my friends after a summer hiatus, and leaving the fun, carefree days of summer behind.  I am an easterner, so Labor Day also meant fall in the truest sense of the word – changing colors on the leaves and changing weather in preparation of the winter resting of our plants.

Here at the Gardens, I think our plants breathe a sigh … Read More

In Memoriam: Phil Savenick

There is so much to say about our dear friend & Garden Champion Phil Savenick – although no one could say it better than Phil has already done, forever, in so many of the films, videos, TV appearances and clips about our treasured VRG that are available on our website.

Tragically, we mourn the loss of this special man, who left us too early at age 72 in late June. But we celebrate the many contributions he so unstintingly made to his hometown where, after a successful career as an award-winning writer, producer, and documentarian, he devoted himself to another … Read More

Our Garden Tour Star Marine Avetisyan

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From time to time, we highlight “Our Garden Tour Stars” — landscape architects, florists, and interior designers who have participated at our annual Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. We want to let you know about these very talented designers, their inspirations, and their creations.

This month, we are featuring florist Marine Avetisyan of Mosaic Floral Event Design. At the 2024 Garden Tour, Marine not only decorated the Pool Pavilion … Read More

Spotlight on Karen Sisman

From time to time, we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of the Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) — those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to The Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful.

This month, we spotlight Karen Sisman, a wonderful docent at The Virgina Robinson Gardens. She also offers two workshops at VRG: “Mindfulness in the Garden” and a “Happiness Class.”

1. How did you first learn about VRG, Read More

Join Us for Our 2024 Patron Gala, “Moonlight Serenade”

Step into an enchanting evening at the Friends of Robinson Gardens (FRG) Patron Gala fundraiser, Moonlight Serenade, on Saturday, September 14th. Picture yourself dining and dancing under the stars in the magical setting of The Virginia Robinson Gardens. An evening of music and entertainment awaits as we raise critical funds for the Gardens.

This unforgettable night will celebrate the extraordinary contributions of longtime members and supporters Laura and Harvey Alpert with the Spirit of Beverly Hills Award, and honor past FRG Presidents Patti Reinstein and Kerstin Royce with the Camellia Award.

Purchase a ticket or table today to take … Read More

Superintendent Diane Sipos’ Message: The Virginia Robinson Gardens Tour led by Clarke Young, Former Butler to Mrs. Robinson

Clarke Young

In June, the docents participated in a special tour led by former butler Clarke Young. Clarke shared numerous stories of his time at The Virginia Robinson Gardens and offered a rare glimpse into Mrs. Robinson’s life. The participants enjoyed this unique opportunity to hear what life was like for this young butler. Clarke came upon this job one day when he was driving on Sunset Boulevard and noticed a building at the corner of Colby Avenue and Sunset. Out of curiosity, he went inside the building and learned it was a hiring agency. Even though he wasn’t looking … Read More

The Friends of Robinson Gardens Fellows’ Historic Walking Tour of Downtown Los Angeles

“Pocket Gardens and Historic Spaces” was the theme for the recent Fellows walking tour of downtown Los Angeles on April 25 and 26, 2024. The former neoclassical-style Bank of Italy built in 1922, through “adaptive reuse,” opened its doors in 2020 and was transformed into a fabulous hotel called Hotel Per La. The hotel was the Fellows’ base to launch an immersive learned journey through seven distinct historic spaces, spanning the city’s earliest commercial building, the opulent Bradbury Building, circa 1860, to the modernism of the Frank Gehry designed Conrad Los Angeles hotel which opened in 2022. A veteran docent of 40 years, Mr. Gordon Johnson spent the day interpreting the history of each stop along the way. He shared fascinating stories that helped weave together the historic fabric of our wonderful city that has enjoyed a renaissance of art and culture.

Wallis Simpson and the Tea, Scones & Gardens Book Club

June 15, 2024, was this quarter’s VRG Book Club meeting in the Pool Pavilion at The Virginia Robinson Gardens.  Returning and new attendees were there to capacity.  It was interesting to get to know many new participants. That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor allowed us a discussion as varied and provocative as the Duke and Duchess themselves.  Shrouded in secrets she held close, the many-faceted persona of Wallis was so thought-provoking to dissect. No less the Duke, with his many strengths and weaknesses, was great food for thought. The pair lived in such a time fraught with many political and logistical perils, mores, and laws foreign to us in this modern era. It must have been an exciting experience to have them visit with Virginia at the estate as they did so long ago. 

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

June 1, 2024, began as a drizzly, overcast, cool Saturday morning as The Friends welcomed several wonderful teachers who have participated in our FRoG Science Outreach Program at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. They represented a microcosm of the many teachers who have taught our 3-unit science program to more than 10,000 students in the greater Los Angeles area in the past few years. The program was written to educate students about what science can be learned from a garden…Nutrition, Plants, and Ecosystems. Each teacher visiting had already used one or more of the units with their students.

The Joyous 2024 “Spring Rhapsody” Garden Tour & Showcase Extravaganza

The 35th annual “Spring Rhapsody” Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at The Virginia Robinson Gardens on May 18, 2024, presented by the Friends, was a spectacular success. In the words of Friends member Krista Everage, “The tour enchanted and welcomed the lucky attendees with its gorgeous and gracious ambiance. We were treated to local masterpiece gardens, exuding warmth, hospitality, and divine beauty, and the tour delighted us all with a sumptuous luncheon and floral displays at the timeless and beautiful Virgina Robinson Gardens.”  The founder of the Friends Joan Selwyn added, “As I walked down the rose-lined pathway to the tennis court, I thought how pleased Mrs. Robinson would be to see her exquisite garden full of our joyful and admiring guests.”
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