Suzanne Rheinstein, renowned interior designer, and former Grand Marshal welcomed the Patrons and Benefactors of Robinson Gardens to a personal tour of her Georgian style home and stunning garden in Hancock Park
It’s a perennial pleasure to come into her kingdom… it does, in fact, feel like its own beautifully harmonious and intricately integrated world…and it was looking particularly wonderful this morning as we got a chance to examine things close-up, and to have Suzanne’s explanation of their provenance, as well as her truly illuminating narrative thoughts and reasoning about their placement and combinations.
It’s remarkable how innovative and individual it all still looks, despite the effect of her influence on others:
The stripes on the dining room wall and the way they interact with the watercolors, and the watercolors’ abundance and the
artfulness of their massing… and the detail about the rolled glass in their frames, which once she mentioned it, we could see giving a palpable shimmer to the room itself—Suzanne really is such an extraordinary talent!
It was very touching to hear Suzanne’s family stories… I was struck by the fact that Fred’s essence remains so present
In the house, which I can imagine must be both comforting and painful. (Fred Rheinstein, Suzanne’s remarkable late husband, contributed many inherited family items to the house and shared Suzanne’s gift for especially warm and gracious hospitality.) I wanted to articulate my gratitude… and mine to Jeanne for having envisioned this outing.
Post by Jamie Wolf
Benefactor of Robinson Gardens and Friend of Suzanne
Photos by Jamie Wolf
Kelly Franett
Loved your store and miss it to this day Hollyhocks..RIP
In Memoriam: Suzanne Rheinstein - Robinson Gardens
[…] Today with Things from the Past. Suzanne also generously opened her spectacular home and gardens in Hancock Park and in Montecito for the Benefactor, Patrons, and Fellows to visit. The Friends are so grateful for […]