Life on our Pennsylvania Farm

By Julia Klein (a real Beverly Hillbilly) Past President and Friends of Robinson Gardens Member In 1976, my parents purchased a 52-acre farm located five miles from their home in Waynesboro, PA. My dad was a country doctor who delivered three generations of babies in a small Pennsylvania town, and he was drawn to the farm environment where he could watch all kinds of things grow.

Spotlight on Francine Pam

Each month, we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of the Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) -- those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to The Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful. This month, we spotlight Francine Pam, a dedicated Friend of Robinson Gardens Member. Francine was a founding faculty member (5th grade) at Brentwood Lower School from 1995 to 2018 where she taught Friends members Patti Elias’ children and Kerstin Royce’s grandchildren!

Autumnal Musings

Seasons come and seasons go,
Fall is now upon us.
The air is clean and crisp and cool. 
Children have returned to school.

Spiders weave their intricate webs
In hope of catching a juicy morsel. 
The male crickets chirp and chirp endlessly,
While devouring a multitude of greenery.

The mourning dove flies to and fro its safe and cozy nest
To make a home for its mate to roost, 
As well as, to sleep and to rest.
New life will come. The birds will depart.

The cycle of life returns again.
Creation at its very best.
I feel
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Fascinating Talk on Architect Julia Morgan at VRG by Victoria Kastner

What a joy it was to hear the eloquent and vivacious author and noted historian Victoria Kastner speak about her latest book, Julia Morgan: An Intimate Biography of the Trailblazing Architect on October 1, 2024, at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. Victoria highlighted the interesting similarities between Julia Morgan’s garden designs for San Simeon and the garden themes and plantings at Robinson Gardens: two elaborate Mediterranean gardens, created only eight years apart. 

Architectural Historian Steven Keylon Enchants Guests at FRG Membership Event

President of the Friends Lynn Whitaker and Archive Chair Patty Elias organized a magical and brilliant membership celebration at The Virginia Robinson Gardens on October 17, 2024. Spectacular autumnal arrangements by florist extraordinaire George Martinez of George’s Garden greeted the distinguished guests as they entered the Robinson estate in the late afternoon. The fall-themed arrangements decorated the cocktail tables and other areas on the Great Lawn, enhancing the Gardens’ beauty everywhere you looked.

Our Garden Tour Star Yana Polshina Of Vespera Florals

From time to time, we highlight “Our Garden Tour Stars” -- landscape architects, florists, and interior designers who have participated at our annual Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. We want to let you know about these very talented designers, their inspirations, and their creations. This month, we are featuring florist Yana Polshina of Vespera Florals. At the 2024 Garden Tour, she decorated the Morning Room, which was a veritable delight with multiple bouquets, one more beautiful than the next! Yana chose a particular pink orchid in an arrangement to complement the painting of Virginia in the room as she knew that Virginia’s favorite color was pink. We asked Yana these five questions:

Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks and the Tea, Scones & Gardens Book Club

On September 21, 2024, the Tea, Scones & Gardens Book Club met again at The Virginia Robinson Gardens, this time to enjoy a dissection of the lives of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford as described in great detail in the book, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks: The Most Popular Couple the World Has Ever Known by Booton Herndon. We discussed how the loss of their fathers early in life may have had a profound influence on their personalities and indeed the roles they played on screen and stage. 

Our Garden Tour Star Xoxo Pattisue

From time to time, we highlight “Our Garden Tour Stars” -- landscape architects, florists, and interior designers who have participated at our annual Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. We want to let you know about these very talented designers, their inspirations, and their creations. This month, we are featuring florist PattiSue of Xoxo PattiSue. At the 2024 Garden Tour, she decorated the Master Bedroom beautifully with stunning arrangements of soft-hued romantic roses. Her floral designs enhanced the feminine ambience in the room while in a corner, a mannequin, “dressed” with roses, foliage, and shawls added a whimsical touch.   We asked PattiSue these five questions:

A Perfect Night at the “Moonlight Serenade” 2024 Patron Gala

The Friends of Robinson Gardens’ annual Patron Gala, “Moonlight Serenade,” returned victoriously to The Virginia Robinson Gardens on September 14th after a five-year hiatus, co-chaired by Lori Greene Gordon and Natalie Gordon Beiser. The ladies dressed in their evening finery looked beautiful, and the men looked handsome, many even decked out in tuxedoes, as they entered the Great Lawn through the Estate. The moon was smiling down approvingly at our honorees Laura and Harvey Alpert and Kerstin Royce and Patti Reinstein.

A Walk in the Garden with Superintendent Diane Sipos

I’m pleased The Virginia Robinson Gardens will be hosting a special art installation in October featuring the work of Max Hooper Schneider. This installation is part of Southern California's landmark arts event, the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time initiative, which brings together more than sixty cultural institutions to stage installations throughout the region exploring the intersection of art and science. Mr. Hooper Schneider’s artwork is in the permanent collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the Hammer Museum, and many other institutions throughout the world.
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