In All Things of Nature There is Something of the Marvelous

Spring Renewal at Robinson Gardens


Spring Blooms

Hello Dear Friends,

Aristotle said, " In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous". As children, we are able to find beauty and miracles everywhere. As we grow up, we often take for granted the magnificence around us. Due to the coronavirus, we have been given time and should take the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of our inner child...with curiosity and love. Of all the seasons, spring is the most festive and joyful. Our world is awakened by trees and flowers and birds. It is covered once again in color and we are warmed by the sun.

Growth in human nature as well as in our physical environment requires patience and time. It is truly a test of our fortitude to remain strong and patient in a world that is so uncertain. In truth, the only thing in life that is certain is uncertainty. That is part of life's journey. Since we cannot control the shifting of the earth beneath us, let us look at what we can control, which is how we choose to react to it.

This week, I ask you to take into your hearts all the positive you see around you. Turn off the news. Feel the beauty of your surroundings. Take control of the things you can control. Look at Virginia's dream that is Robinson Gardens as seen through the talented eye of our Josh Johnston.

When life gives us lemons, or lavender, or mint, or strawberries or geraniums, we are finding a way to use them in our baking. Today is the first of our four part series using plants from our gardens to add a fresh and unique flavor to our home baking. We are beginning with our beautiful and talented former President of FRG, Kerstin Royce and her delicious Lavender Cookies.

Lavender Cookies

Beat Together:
½ cup of butter
1 cup of sugar

3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers or Lavender extracts

Add Slowly:
2 cups flour
Combined with 1 teaspoon baking powder

Form into balls. Bake at 350 degrees 10 - 12 minutes. Let rest on baking sheet.

The Glace:
Combine 1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice

When cookies are cold, dip a small portion of the cookie in the glace and sprinkle the glace with a few fresh lavender flowers.

Click here for a copy of this recipe.

As Mother's Day is approaching, we ask that when you are sending flowers to loved ones, you remember our loyal florists who have beautified Robinson Gardens for our Garden Tours in the past. We are so grateful for what they have done for us and we hope that you will make use of their talents in this time of quarantine.

Flowermaid - Inez Garstecki - 310-770-3422
Arts District Florals - Sophie Sikora - 818-422-1175
George's Garden - George Martinez - 310-384-0409
Flower Power - Gretchen Durgam - 818-634-1272
Pretend Plants and Flowers - Ezra - 310-699-9763
Louesa Roebuck - [email protected] - Ventura County - 415-686-5482
Laura Morton Garden Design - Landscape design -

Until next week, stay safe and bless all of our first responders who have put their lives on the line.

With hope and gratitude,



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