On June 1, 2020, a floral “Florence Nightingale” conceived and produced by the Friends of Robinson Gardens, was installed at the Healing Gardens of Cedars-Sinai to honor our medical heroes. As Robinson Gardens board member Maralee Beck observed, “The floral tribute has proved to be as resilient as the front line responders at the medical center: she has been delighting staff, patients, and visitors for the past two months! Transfusions of her vital fluids…..water….have kept her fresh and growing, perfect for posing and drawing smiles in these unsettled times.”
VRG received a wonderful letter of thanks from Cedars-Sinai. Here is an excerpt:
Dear Ms. Reinstein,
These are extraordinary times – and we are truly thankful to the Virginia Robinson Gardens for your generous in-kind contribution to Cedars-Sinai. We are deeply grateful for the beauty, kindness, and neighborly effort of bringing a custom garden installation to our campus…
You are helping to make all that we do here possible….Thank you for your thoughtful and timely kindness, and for your members’ time and effort.
Arthur J. Ochoa, JD
Senior Vice President, Advancement
Chief Advancement Officer
Click here to read the article about the floral tribute. To see more photos on Instagram, please click here, and to view our Facebook page, click here.
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