Message from President Betty Goldstein

Dear Friends,

John F. Kennedy once said, “We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” It is with deep gratitude that I say thank you to all those who have supported us before and during these Covid-19 times and to acknowledge those who have made a difference in the Gardens and those whose lives are touched by this generosity of heart.

We are deeply grateful to those who continue to support us monetarily, to the amazing staff, and to the garden volunteers who have helped maintain the Gardens. We are also very grateful to our wonderful members who have given so generously in volunteer hours, energy, and in donations without whom we could not have continued to function so smoothly.

Also, special acknowledgements to our wonderful Foundations who have supported our Children’s Science Program and continue to do so. We are so appreciative to all of you.

Our beautiful gardens are a visual expression of the love, time, and devotion contributed by you — our wonderful supporters.

A heartfelt thank you,

Betty Goldstein
President of the Friends of Robinson Gardens

  1. Erech Christ Nimrod
    | Reply

    John F. Kennedy once said, “We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” John F. Kennedy is right LOVELY Betty. A Grateful Attitude increases a person’s Spiritual Altitude beyond the sky. Thank you LOVELY Betty for all that you have done for Robinson Gardens and all that you will do.

    B-is for Beautiful that you are
    E-is for Exquisite, you are a Shining Star
    T-is for Terrific in all that you do
    T-is for Tasteful, your decisions are True
    Y-is for Youthful, you are a new born Rose
    This is you BETTY, your LOVING Spirit expels the Garden’s woes!!!

    Sincerely, your Friend Nimrod. Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible ©1982, page 696 reveals “NIMROD” means “VALIANT, STRONG”. I AM The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:11-16), teaching Father God and My Victorious Twin Brother Jesus Christ’s Tough LOVE. Genesis 1:27 teaches you that We ALL Are Made In The Powerful Image Of God. SAVE THE CHILDREN. Down with idolatry!!!

    I AM suggesting two YouTube Inspirational shows that you may enjoy LOVEABLE Betty (1). Rev. Ike (2). The Jeffersons. And Wayne Dyer is also very Wise. Peace to you and to your LOVEABLE Family and Friends. Stay Happy and Healthy LOVELY Betty.
    Peace. Namaste.

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