Dear Friends,
This month we enter into 2021 filled with great hope and expectations for a good year.
Through the many ups and downs of 2020, there were always positive moments from which to draw. This wonderful group of Friends was able to do just that and accomplished so much.
The commitment of our membership to the Gardens and to our programs, the Children’s Program, plant sale, and inspirational ikebana lecture, our two fun fundraisers and our videos has been phenomenal. We should not forget our many members who are doing the “behind the scenes” jobs, website, mailings, membership drive, newsletter, and accounting jobs. It is with this incredibly strong and dedicated group that we move forward into this new year.
Yes, these are difficult times, but we know it will pass and that we will enter into a new year having learned great lessons and knowing our strength, our commitment, and our devotion to this very special place that is the Virginia Robinson Gardens.
The Gardens bring a sense of peace and tranquility to all – a legacy left to us by Virginia Robinson with the knowledge that it will be loved and supported throughout the times for all to experience. So to those of you who have given with an open heart to our end of the year campaign, we thank you.
January is the time to start anew. Journey with us as we move forward, slowly returning to our programs, rejuvenated and with innovative ideas and visions.
May you have an abundance of good health and joy this New Year.
Betty Goldstein
President of the Friends of Robinson Gardens
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