Janice Jerde and Peter Del Rosso Host a Beautiful Evening for Angel, Benefactor & Patron Members of the Friends of Robinson Gardens

une 24th, 2023, was a lovely Saturday evening, and my husband Peter Del Rosso and I were delighted to host an Angel, Benefactor & Patron Members Dinner in our home in Brentwood. The evening began with music in our Living Room. Lynn Hutchinson, a composer & pianist, played piano, accompanied by her very talented 14-year-old daughter Sadie who played the violin. This was a very special moment that we were excited to be a part of… Read More

The Fabulous Fellows Thank You Dinner

“It was a night of happiness and friendship,” in the words of Bernice Balson as the Fellows gathered at the very well attended Annual Appreciation Dinner on August 12, 2023, at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. The evening was a spectacular success and is held each year in appreciation of the Fellows’ generous support of the restoration and preservation of Robinson Gardens and the very popular Childrens Science Program. It is also an occasion to honor our most generous donors, including the Santa Monica Westside Legacy Fund for Women and Girls, represented by Carol Bennett and Anne-Marie Spataru, who gave an extremely generous donation to the Childrens Science Program this year… Read More

“Everything is Coming Up Roses”

On August 5, 2023, an enthusiastic group of rose lovers arrived at Robinson Gardens to hear horticulturist and renowned rose specialist Charlie Follette. The talk, “Everything is Coming up Roses,” was organized by Patty Elias with her usual perfection.

Patty graciously welcomed guests with a brief history of The Virginia Robinson Gardens, mentioning that our classes are sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation in collaboration with the Friends of Robinson Gardens and that these classes are open to the public… Read More

Spotlight on Paola Werstler

Each month we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of the Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) — those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to The Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful.

This month, we spotlight Paola Werstler, a wonderful and dedicated Board Member and Patron Member of The Friends of Robinson Gardens. During the pandemic, Paola’s husband kindly volunteered in the Gardens, which was much appreciated… Read More

A Walk in the Garden with Superintendent Diane Sipos

As visitors walk through the upper Palm Forest, the joyful chirping of birds greets them.  The historic Aviary, home to parakeets and a male cockatiel, now has a new addition: a female cockatiel.  The lone cockatiel had always captured my attention.  With bright yellow feathers, orange Crayola-like circles on either side of his beak, and tufts of feathers protruding like a Trojan helmet from the top of his head, the cockatiel would often be perched in front of his bird-size mirror, staring at his reflection as if looking for his mate.  Cockatiels are naturally social birds who cannot survive alone in the wild, so it was clear he needed a partner… Read More