Spotlight on Karen Sisman

From time to time, we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of the Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) — those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to The Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful.

This month, we spotlight Karen Sisman, a wonderful docent at The Virgina Robinson Gardens. She also offers two workshops at VRG: “Mindfulness in the Garden” and a “Happiness Class.”

1. How did you first learn about VRG, and what inspired you to become a docent? 

I’ve always loved botanical gardens and historic homes, so when I read an article about VRG in the Los Angeles Times in 1990, I called a friend and invited her to join me on a tour. Even though I grew up in LA, I had never heard of VRG before I read the article.

After five minutes of being on the tour, I felt that I wanted to become a docent. At the end of our tour, our docent said they were looking for new docents. I knew that was a sign for me to apply, so I did. In those days, we didn’t have any official training. We just shadowed a number of docents and received a booklet with information on the gardens, and when we were ready to start conducting tours, we jumped in. I loved being a docent from the very first day.  At that time, I was working as a pharmacist in Beverly Hills, and I was able to fit being a docent into my schedule until 1997, when my schedule changed and no longer allowed me the opportunity to be a docent.  

In 2014, my daughter was on spring break from her middle school, and we went to VRG so she could see my beloved gardens where I had volunteered before she was born. Five minutes after our tour started, I thought to myself, this is where I would love to be a docent again. At the end of the tour, our docent mentioned that they were looking for new docents.  What are the chances of that happening twice in a row? It did and the rest is history. I returned to my beloved VRG and am so happy to be back!

2. What is your role – how do you contribute to VRG? 

I serve as an adult docent, a children’s docent and have helped with getting ready for the Garden Tour and Showcase House event.

Since August 2023, I have been presenting workshops on Happiness, as well as Mindfulness. In 2021, I received my certificate as a Certified Happiness Trainer from Dr. Tal ben Shahar’s Happiness Studies Academy and have created workshops on Happiness Studies. This past year, I received certification as a Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher from the School of Positive Transformation.  

I feel very blessed to be able to combine my love of gardens, historical homes, my special bond with VRG, and my love of learning to contribute to VRG in my unique way!

3. Can you please share a favorite VRG memory with us?

 One of the wonderful things about becoming a docent in 1990 was getting to know Ivo Hadjiev. He was a charming gentleman. I loved hearing his stories about Virginia. One day, I received a call from Ivo asking me if I could conduct a tour since the original docent had to cancel at the last minute. Who could say “no” to Ivo?

Another favorite memory was in May of 2023, when Clarke Young showed up on my tour and introduced himself as a former butler of Virginia Robinson. I asked him to share stories during my tour and incorporated them into my future tours.  We were very fortunate to have Clarke conduct a tour for a number of docents in the beginning of June. Having that connection to people who worked for Virginia has helped create a beautiful, historical link to the past.

 4. Please add any additional information you would like to share!

I start my tours by telling the guests that VRG is my happy place!  At the end of the tour, everyone agrees!

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