Children’s Wildlife Pond

Spring Renewal at Robinson Gardens


Children's Wildlife Pond

Hi All,

This week we are proud to show you how life goes on at VRG even though we are still separated by "social distancing". Our wonderful caretaker and friend, Josh Johnston took several beautiful photos of our Children's Wildlife Pond. Building this pond was such a labor of love and we cannot wait to share with everyone when we can gather together again.

The last three photos were taken by our Superintendent Tim Lindsay, as tadpoles were released into the pond last week. I hope that we can get to see them before they change from tadpoles to bullfrogs in about 30-60 days. This is the miracle of metamorphosis.

Thinking about the tadpoles transforming into frogs, I began to consider how each of us has had to transform due to the coronavirus. We have all had to adapt to our new living circumstances. Each challenge that we face in life reveals an opportunity for self-transformation. We ask ourselves, how has this experience changed me? How have I transformed myself and my life? How has my thinking evolved? Do I look at my responsibility to the world differently? I found a few quotes about transformation that were meaningful to me and wanted to share with you.

Please continue to stay well until we see each other again.



1. Transformation is a process, not an event. John P. Kotter
2. True life is lived when tiny changes occur. Leo Tolstoy
3. Transformation does not happen by learning new information. It happens when you change how you view and react to other people, events and things around you. Med Jones
4. It is our own thoughts that hold the key to miraculous transformation. Marianne Williamson
5. Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place. Suzy Ross

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