Spring Blooms

Spring Renewal at Robinson Gardens

Spring Blooms

Hello Friends,

You are all dearly missed. I hope that you are doing everything that you can to stay well, stay safe and stay sane! I so want to remain connected to everyone out there and to help you stay tethered to beautiful Virginia Robinson Gardens. Once again, our talented Josh Johnston has taken these amazing photos to show you the color and passion alive and well at VRG. You can click on each photo to enlarge the view.

There is joy in nature and beauty can be found everywhere if we just look. This week, spend a little time in nature. See the colors and shapes of trees, plants and flowers. Go outside and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Look up at the clouds like we did as children and notice the patterns they make. Run in the grass. Have a little picnic in your own patch of green. And don't forget to look up at the stars!

If you have not had the chance to read Robbie Anderson's book, "Beverly Hills the First 100 Years", he has provided an opportunity to read his book ONLINE for FREE for a limited time. Just click on the Beverly Hills Historical Society website below and enjoy hours perusing lavish photos and reading fascinating stories of the early days of this city we love. What a wonderful way to spend the hours and learn about our legendary past! Thank you Robbie! Click here: Beverly Hills Historical Society

With great hope,



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