Message from President Betty Goldstein

Dear Friends, This morning as I clipped off the spent flowers from my perennials, I thought about the year that is about to close. It has been a most interesting year. I started my term in the midst of a pandemic. If you have read my previous messages, you know that I am a proponent of the saying, “When one door closes, another door opens.” I so truly believe that. We have found creative ways to continue with our programing. Our members have put in a tremendous amount of volunteer hours adjusting to our new situation, and I am so proud of them. One of our greatest accomplishments is adding a virtual component to our Children’s Science Program. As you may know, we have been unable to have the children come (normally about 2000 children a year) to the Gardens for our Children’s Science Tours

Our Garden Tour Star Kayla Sweet-Newhouse

Each month, we are highlighting “Our Garden Tour Stars” -- landscape architects, florists, artists, and interior designers who have participated in our annual Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at the Virginia Robinson Gardens. We want to let you know about these very talented designers, their inspirations, and their creations. This month, we are featuring artist Kayla Sweet-Newhouse. We asked her these 5 questions:

Katie Marsano and the Art of Ikebana

“What a fantastic class!” “Such stunning arrangements,” said many of the attendees at the Friends of Robinson Gardens’ first Education lecture of the season on November 19, 2020 at the Virginia Robinson Gardens. The group was delighted by the lovely Katie Marsano’s inspirational lecture/demonstration of “The Art of Ikebana Floral Arrangement.” The lecture was sold out at the socially-distanced event at the Gardens, but fortunately, it was also shown virtually on Zoom to many members. Education co-chair and past President Ellisa Bregman introduced Katie, a new Friend member. Katie said that her journey started five years ago when she was spending long periods of time in Tokyo and was introduced to an English-speaking Sogetsu Ikebana Master. Originally trained in Western floral arranging, Katie said that she was drawn to the minimalistic style and understated elegance of the Japanese aesthetic of ikebana.

Spotlight on Natalie Gordon

Each month we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) -- those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to the Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful. This month, we spotlight Natalie Gordon, a dedicated Friend of Robinson Gardens Board Member and Chair of the Membership Committee. We asked her these three questions