A Learned Journey Under the Canopy of the Living Giants – The King Palms

Superintendent Emeritus Timothy Lindsay conducted a 90-minute walking tour of the King Palm Forest, located on the east slope of The Virginia Robinson Gardens on October 28, 2023. Tim spent over 20 years restoring the forest by adding new plantings and designing water features that he interpreted while leading a public tour on Saturday, October 28th, 2023. This is a synopsis of his learned journey under the canopy of the King Palm trees

Picturesque VRG Fellows Garden Tour in Rancho Santa Fe

A Birds Eye view into nine magnificent and unique gardens. Join our journey as you discover what makes Rancho Santa Fe so unique. Rancho Santa Fe is only two hours from Los Angeles; however, its natural beauty and rural feel make you feel far more distant. Day one- Three gardens: two influenced by Italy, one straight out of France Day two- Four gardens: whimsical, working, fruitful and traditional Day three- Two gardens: Night and Day juxtaposition

Teachers and Children from Good Shepherd Battered Women’s Shelter Visit VRG

On October 3, 2023, the Friends of Robinson Gardens invited children and teachers from Good Shepherd Battered Women’s Shelter to a new modified Science Fair at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. Six children and six teachers came by their own transportation. Docent Chava Berber gave a tour of the gardens, where the children enjoyed using binoculars and magnifying glasses to explore. They all got an apple and were able to later toss the core in the gardens

Celebrating HALS…Three Years and 30 Volunteers

On a beautiful, warm, and sunny Saturday, November 11, 2023, a celebratory brunch was held in our Pool Pavilion to honor the team whose dedication led to the completion of the HALS project at The Virginia Robinson Gardens. Nearly all of us have heard the term “HALS” talked about over the past couple of years, but very few of us really understood what it was all about. HALS is an acronym that stands for Historic American Landscapes Survey.  During the last few decades, the concept of historic preservation has expanded from beyond preserving a single building or urban district to including the historic landscape that provides the setting and context for the property to show the heritage of our nation’s development