Spotlight on Luke Anderson

Each month we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) — those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to the Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful.

This month, we spotlight Luke Anderson, a dedicated Friend of Robinson Gardens Board Member. Luke along with Betty Goldstein is co-chairing this year’s Garden Tour City of Angels, which under their amazing leadership, is sure to be a fabulous event!… Read More

The Virginia Robinson Gardens is Getting its Ducks in a Row

Photo by Joshua Johnston

Updates on the Ducks and Their New Home in the Wildlife Pond

Congratulations to all who have assisted in the creation of the Virginia Robinson Gardens’ “Wildlife Habitat,” conceived and designed by Superintendent Timothy Lindsay. The Gardens have recently been honored with the designation by the National Wildlife Federation as an official “Certified Wildlife Habitat Site. This certifies that Robinson Gardens will provide a home for all the wild creatures that make our lives whole!

The Gardens’ new addition will bring all of us, both young and old, years of enjoyment and educational opportunities.… Read More

A Cascading Waterfall Benefits the Children’s Wildlife Pond

On September 14, 2019, the Patron Gala Rick’s Café Américain was held at the Virginia Robinson Gardens. This fabulous soiree successfully raised much needed funds to enhance the two acre “King Palm Forest” by creating a Children’s Wildlife Pond. As part of this project to embellish wildlife habitat and provide a teaching platform, a waterfall was built. It is an exciting addition to this tranquil paradise, complete with overstory and understory plantings; a pair of horned owls high in the palm trees keep watch over the garden all through the night.

The waterfall plays two roles in this new aquatic … Read More