Message from President Betty Goldstein

Dear Friends,

John F. Kennedy once said, “We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” It is with deep gratitude that I say thank you to all those who have supported us before and during these Covid-19 times and to acknowledge those who have made a difference in the Gardens and those whose lives are touched by this generosity of heart.

We are deeply grateful to those who continue to support us monetarily, to the amazing staff, and to the garden volunteers who have helped maintain the Gardens. We are also very grateful to our wonderful members who have given so generously in volunteer hours, energy, and in donations without whom we could not have continued to function so smoothly.

Our Garden Tour Star Christine London

Every month, we are highlighting “Our Garden Tour Stars” -- landscape architects, florists, and interior designers who have participated at our annual Garden Tour and Showcase Estate at the Virginia Robinson Gardens. We want to let you know about these very talented designers, their inspirations, and their creations.

This month, we are featuring internationally renowned British landscape designer Christine London. She has designed many spectacular gardens that have been on Garden Tour over the past 20 years. We are so fortunate to have had Christine as a participant!

We asked her these five questions.

Preparing Your Garden for Winter Weather

Now in early November, the sun noticeably takes a shorter path across the sky, arching low on the southern horizon. This seasonal tilt of the earth away from our star, the sun, is expressed in the landscape by long shadows and most dramatically by shorter days and long cold nights. Plants in our garden respond on cue to this seasonal variation. The green chlorophyll on the leaves’ surface of our hardwood trees sloughs off into the atmosphere, gradually revealing the yellow, orange and red pigments hidden all summer long under the green layer of chlorophyll. Now exposed, these colorful pigments … Read More

Thoughts from Friends: Keeley Smith

"There isn't a tree in the world that the wind hasn't shaken."

I first encountered this Hindu proverb in 2015. I had travelled to Southwestern India to live a month in a one room grass hut on the beach of the Arabian Sea, studying and practicing yogic philosophies and learning to unwind. It was in this attempt to discover life's greater meaning, when its heft was placed upon me by my yoga teacher. Hearing those words just weeks after my relocation to Los Angeles from New York, I must admit their poignancy fell on my deaf ears. Island life on Manhattan can predispose one to an attitude that there isn't really an existence beyond the granite and concrete of one the world's most diverse and exciting anything-is-possible, go-go-go cities.

Spotlight on Ellen Levitt

Each month we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) -- those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to the Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful. This month, we spotlight Ellen Levitt, a dedicated Friend of Robinson Gardens Board Member and as chair of the Restoration Committee, oversaw beautiful restorations. We asked her these three questions