In Case You Missed It: Falling into Autumn

Falling Into Autumn Text and images by Rodney Kemerer, Board member of the Friends of Robinson Gardens My brain is hardwired to the smells from my childhood. At this time of the year it is the smell of burning leaves. As early as I can remember, growing up in the Midwest and later in Pennsylvania, the smell of burning leaves told my brain that winter was coming. As the first pile of leaves was raked together and then slowly smoldered into flame, the smell permeated the neighborhood. It was the signal to break out the corduroy pants and sweater vests. Fall was always my favorite season -- the closing in, the shutting down, the preparing for winter, never cold enough to be uncomfortable, but it was the warning sign that freezing weather lay ahead

Spotlight on Mark Tapio Kines

Each month we spotlight a volunteer, staff member, docent, donor, or sponsor of the Virginia Robinson Gardens (VRG) -- those that have made an impact on the organization. We want to let you know about these wonderful people and corporations that give so much to the Virginia Robinson Gardens and to the community, and what they do that is so impactful. This month, we spotlight Mark Tapio Kines, a wonderful and dedicated docent

Teacher Appreciation Day at the Virginia Robinson Gardens

On Saturday, October 15, 2022, the Friends of Robinson Gardens opened its doors to welcome our wonderful teachers and invaluable docents who have been deeply involved in our FRoG Children’s Science Outreach Program.  To show our appreciation, we invited them for a luncheon and a walk through our beautiful gardens that were the inspiration for our three science units… Nutrition and a Healthy You…Plants and Our World… The Ecosystem of a Pond and a Frog’s Life. During Covid, Leslie Kavanaugh, Kerstin Royce, and Patti Reinstein conceived the idea to devise a program that the students could do at home, at school, on Zoom with their teachers, and when possible, with parental involvement.  Leslie and Patti wrote each unit with all of the exquisite artwork being donated by our special friends Stephen Kamifuji and his son Sean

Message from President Betty Goldstein

“Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy.” - Astrid Alauda Dear Friends, Here at the Virginia Robinson Gardens, we have much to feel gratitude towards. Our first thank you would be to Virginia Robinson who had the foresight to leave this magnificent piece of property and important part of history to the people of Los Angeles. From the time she and Harry purchased the land in 1911 until it was bequeathed to the County of Los Angeles in March of 1974, they pursued their dream of having a beautiful botanical garden filled with a variety of unusual plants, many from different parts of the world. Being animal lovers, they also had a menagerie of animals, monkeys, turtles, an aviary filled with birds and a bird nursery to take care of any injured bird that came their way, and of course their beloved dogs. They always had an open door for not only friends but for others too