"The Seeds Virginia Sowed"  

A Walk Through the Virginia Robinson Estate

In 1977, the Virginia Robinson Estate and Gardens was gifted to ALL of us — the residents of Los Angeles County. Mrs. Robinson gave this property for EVERYONE whose spirit finds fulfillment in the Gardens, regardless of skill level, gender, ethnicity, or age. As the stewards — the Friends — we feel a deep responsibility to preserve the estate with the utmost integrity and commitment for all future generations.

We are pleased to present the first in a series of short videos, produced by Joan Selwyn, founder of the Friends, and hosted by Superintendent Timothy Lindsay, documenting the history and features of the Virginia Robinson Gardens. It is especially in this time of COVID-19 that we feel a greater need to connect with you and to share the wonders of this historical estate. Enjoy a glimpse into a storied past that gave rise to the city we now know as Beverly Hills.

The Grand Hostess of Beverly Hills

Experience the rooms of the Robinson estate that played host to Virginia's lavish parties. Often entertaining guests like the stars of Old Hollywood and the Duke & Duchess of Windsor, Virginia Robinson quickly became known as "the First Lady of Beverly Hills."


Palm Terrace Aquatic Plants and Garden

Discover the unusual plants on the Palm Terrace from Hibiscus trees to water lilies and mosquito fish.


Historical Trees of the First Estate of Beverly Hills

Trees growing in the Italian Terrace Garden are now over 100 years old. These trees each have a special story related to the Robinsons and their insatiable eye for the rare and unusual.